Many people work in this project ...

Key stakeholdersStaff Members
Iris Grasel works at the Tagesstätte Lanzendorf (Lower Austria, Austria). The “Tagesstätte” is a housing facility with pedagogical interest for people with disabilities and learning difficulties.Michelle Proyer is PI of the Project in Vienna and has a Tenure Track Position at the Center for Teacher Education
Theresia Schmall is teacher at the HBLA Oberwart (Burgenland, Austria), a higher vocational school  offering education and training to 740 students.
The students can choose between four branches: Fashion and Clothing, Product Management, Tourism, and Service Industries.
Alexander Schmoelz is Co-PI of the Project in Vienna and works as Lecturer and University Assistant at the Department for Education
Andrea Schweiger is teacher at ZIS 18 School
(Vienna, Austria). The Center for Inclusive Schooling
is a school for students with special needs, small
classes with max. 10 students and two attending teachers
Gertraud Kremsner is Senior Lecturer at the Center for Teacher Education
Jacqueline Hechmati is teacher at the Integrative
Lernwerkstatt Brigittenau (Wien, Austria). It is a
comprehensive school for students between 10 and 15 years. 
Lisa Moehlen is Student Assistant and Tutor at Center for Teacher Education and the Department for Education
Alfred Griesbacher is teacher at the HBLA Oberwart (Burgenland, Austria), a higher vocational school offering education and training to 740 students.
The students can choose between four branches: Fashion and Clothing, Product Management, Tourism, and Service Industries.
Daniel Pfeiffer is Student Assistant and Tutor at Faculty of Informatics, the Center for Teacher Education and the Department for Education