Im Rahmen des Projektes erschienen Publikationen

  • Kremsner, G., Schmoelz, A. & Proyer, M. (2019). A (dis-)abling model for playful inclusion: Playing (digital) games with persons with and without learning difficulties and dis/abilities. In: Ellis, K., Kent, M. & Leaver, T. (Hrsg.).Gaming Disability: Disability Perspektives on Contemporary Video Games.
  • Kremsner, G., Schmoelz, A. & Proyer, M. (2018): Against the rules – Disrupting and reassessing discursive practices of playfulness. In: Disability & Society (in preparation).
  • Möhlen, L.-K., Handle-Pfeiffer, D., Proyer, M., Schmölz, A. & Kremsner, G. (2018). Playful Social Inclusion: Approaching Inclusive Thinking and Acting Through Game Based Learning, In: Ntalianis , K., Andreatos, A. & Sgouropoulou, C. (Hrsg.).Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on e-Learning. Reading: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited Reading , S. 383-393
  • Proyer, M., Schmölz, A., Kremsner, G., Karpouzis, K., Yannakakis, G., Pfeiffer, D., Möhlen, L.-K. & Koulouris (2016). Doing social inclusion - Aiming to conquer crisis through game-based dialogues and games. In: Pivec, M. & Gründler, J. (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2017. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, S. 554-561
  • Schmölz, A., Kremsner, G., Proyer, M., Pfeiffer, D., Möhlen, L.-K., Karpouzis, K. et al. (2017). Inklusiver Unterricht mit Digitalen Spielen. medienimpulse, 1–15.